Innovative Urgent Care & Family Health Clinic

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When it comes to hormones, it’s all about optimizing.

Contrary to popular belief and old medical teachings we now know that estrogen is a vital hormone for men as much as women! Not having enough (or any) estrogen isn’t good for many reasons.

The truth: Men need estrogen to support heart, bone. Brain, and sexual health. That is why therapies that block estrogen may put your health at risk.

What many men don’t know is their bodies make estrogen naturally via an enzyme called aromatase. We’ve been taught that testosterone is a male hormone and estrogen is a female hormone. In fact, the two hormones often work hand in hand to support total body health. Our bodies were designed to convert certain amounts of testosterone into estrogen for many health reasons outlined below. Estrogen for many health reasons outlined below. Estrogen has even been shown to help boost lean body mass in men.

The pros of estrogen are often overlooked. Estrogen blockers are prescribed is to treat swelling of breast tissue in males (gynecomastia), a rare medical condition where a young male grows breast tissue that resembles female breast tissue. This condition is extremely rare in older males, even males on testosterone therapy.

Sadly, many other reasons are not rooted in science. It all goes back to the myth that “testosterone sis good”, and “estrogen is bad” for men. It is assumed that estrogen is causing the problem, even when it is not.

For example, estrogen blockers may be prescribed with testosterone replacement therapy to treat “low T”. Some doctors do so, even without testing the patient’s estrogen levels. This is unfortunate because testosterone and estrogen have a synergy. They work together to treat many symptoms of “Low T”. Estrogen on its own has also been shown to support many health goals of men.

Consequences of blocking estrogen (estradiol) in men, Research shows that estrogen may help prevent disease and offer anti-aging improving sexual health. Having low levels of estradiol due to aromatase inhibitors (AI), or estrogen blockers like Arimidex (anastrozole) and Femara, may lead to:

·       Sexual health disorders

·       Prostate issues

·       Poor cardiovascular health

·       Altered cholesterol levels (good and bad)

·       Poor insulin resistance (decline in lean muscle mass, increased belly fat and risk for diabetes)

·       Compromised brain health and cognition issues