
virtual health


Make an appointment online and skip the wait!

Health care is delivered remotely from the comfort of your home, office, or hotel room. If needed, prescriptions are sent to a pharmacy near you within seconds. Fast, Friendly & Affordable.

How Can Telemedicine Benefit You?

Think about this, ‘How can telemedicine near me be beneficial?’.Say goodbye to long wait times and the commute to the doctor’s office! When you need to find health care, let us bring a healthcare practitioner to you. From your mobile device or computer, it’s never been easier for you and your family to instantly access health care at home or work.

Get a diagnosis or prescription online from a healthcare practitioner in one brief session. We’ll even send your prescriptions to the pharmacy of your choice electronically. All you need is an internet connection. See a practitioner now by clicking the “Book An Appointment” button.

Telehealth has been shown to overcome barriers to health services caused by distance between patient and practitioner, access to reliable transportation, fragmentation of care due to gaps in time between appointments, and lack of available practitioners. Improves Quality Of Care Delivery

We aim to improve the quality of care for patients with both medical and mental health conditions through our telemedicine services in San Antonio, Bandera, Rockport, and Boerne, TX. A recent study showed that with telemedicine, patients had:

  • 38% fewer hospital admissions

  • 31% fewer hospital re-admissions

  • 63% more likely to spend fewer days in the hospital

  • Were more engaged in their healthcare

Reduces Healthcare Costs

Telemedicine can increase the efficiency of care delivery, reduce the expenses of caring for patients or transporting them to another location, and can even keep patients out of the hospital. One study showed that telemedicine care had 19 percent savings over inpatient care costs. Receive a TeleHealth visit today.

What Can Be Treated Using TeleHealth?

Gastrointestinal — Acid reflux, Constipation, Diarrhea, Heartburn, Nausea, Stomach Virus, Cold & Flu

Respiratory — Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cold & Flu, Sore Throat

Infections — Acne, Bacterial Infections, Bronchitis, Cellulitis, Ear Infection, Fungal Infection, Pink Eye, Sinus Infection, Impetigo

Miscellaneous — Fever, Gout, Insect Bites, Joint Pain, Migraines, Rash, Eczema/Dermatitis, Urinary Tract Infections, Headache, Mental Health, Medication Refills, Referral to Specialist, Insomnia.

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virtual appointment today